by conscious | Aug 26, 2019 | Poetry
The earth is dying but never fear
It will heal itself and clear the air
Of unwanted filth, the human race
That evolved into a total disgrace
From the north will come a plague
The melting snow a powder keg
Ready to explode and unleash the fumes
On all those eager to consume
The corporate swill that fills their homes
Turning them into future tombs
All will ask why when it is time to die
You did it to yourself when you chose to buy
That awesome thing just to throw it away
Once the next great thing has its release day
You have all been suckered can’t you see
Into believing that you all are free
But you’re no more than a mere slave
With both feet already in your grave
Slaves to corporatocracy
Posing as democracy
Nothing more than total hypocrisy
From the aristocracy
But they will soon be gone as well
As the earth bids us all farewell
Unleashing its weapons of mass destruction
Paving its way to reconstruction
I look forward to seeing this end
The earth it will finally defend
Defend Itself from human waste
All selfishness to be erased
I asked once upon a spell
That we teach the children well
But we failed one and all
Alas we could not change the downfall
by conscious | Aug 1, 2019 | Poetry
You may think you know it all
but you haven’t got a clue
your policies, the downfall
you know not what you do
the time has come to make a choice
you are the ones with the loudest voice
make changes in your world today
saving all from a life of dismay
Open your eyes
see what you do
open your eyes
they look up to you
Open your eyes
you are the tutor
open your eyes
don’t destroy the future
The path you all have chosen
will lead to a bitter end
let go of your emotions
only then will you comprehend
by conscious | Aug 1, 2019 | Poetry
When all your heroes are dead and gone
all you have left is a memory
but what do you do when the memory fades
and you can’t even remember yesterday
the images remind you but they are still too few
the videos flip a switch but that will fade too
as the tears flow do you melt away
or just sleep to wake another day
the things you’ve missed in this life or the last
you can’t make up once they’ve past
so get off your ass and see the world
it is a roller coaster joined with a tilt a whirl
see that show, meet that band
go to that movie eat a hot dog from that stand
get on plane and traverse the globe
it will surely excite your temporal lobe
sail the seas on a cruise to the edge
hang with good friends till the very end
smell the wild flowers in some enchanted garden
and call all those you wronged to beg their pardon
do what you will while you still have time
enjoying your life is never a crime
before too long you may have to go too
and someone else will be trying to remember you
by conscious | Aug 1, 2019 | Poetry
By the light of the moon
I wander silently through the fields
digging deep inside
for some sense of truth
somewhere beyond reality
there must be a road
that takes us to the answers
and sets us free