The End

The End

The earth is dying but never fear
It will heal itself and clear the air
Of unwanted filth, the human race
That evolved into a total disgrace
From the north will come a plague
The melting snow a powder keg
Ready to explode and unleash the fumes
On all those eager to consume
The corporate swill that fills their homes
Turning them into future tombs
All will ask why when it is time to die
You did it to yourself when you chose to buy
That awesome thing just to throw it away
Once the next great thing has its release day
You have all been suckered can’t you see
Into believing that you all are free
But you’re no more than a mere slave
With both feet already in your grave
Slaves to corporatocracy
Posing as democracy
Nothing more than total hypocrisy
From the aristocracy
But they will soon be gone as well
As the earth bids us all farewell
Unleashing its weapons of mass destruction
Paving its way to reconstruction
I look forward to seeing this end
The earth it will finally defend
Defend Itself from human waste
All selfishness to be erased
I asked once upon a spell
That we teach the children well
But we failed one and all
Alas we could not change the downfall

Another Weird Dream

Another Weird Dream

A man out looking for sex goes to a bar, meets a woman and tells her he will be back. He goes to a brothel and while there gets drugged and kidnapped. Wakes up in a room, his belongings on a table. A man close by. He asks what is going on but gets no response. He tries to get to his phone but is still too weak. Suddenly a woman walks in, skimpily dressed, it is an old high school friend. He asks her what is going on, she tells him he was a chosen for the man, that he is currently in Wichita Kansas and will be taken to Ohio. Another woman walks in, the one from the bar. He tells them they made a big mistake. They tell him they had no choice that they are slaves to the man. He reminds them that he has killed 2 men in self defense and he will again if they don’t help him escape. Then 2 men come in yelling it is time to play and he grabs one by the throat and throws him out the window. The other guy in the room grabs the second and does the same. They all quickly leave and escape…….end dream.

The Original Asprin

The Original Asprin

For those who don’t know, I do not use any manufactured pharmaceuticals, I hate BIG PHARMA but that is for a different section of this site. I do however make my own medicines and one of the oldest and easiest is aspirin.

According to wikipedia Medicines made from willow and other salicylate-rich plants appear in clay tablets from ancient Sumer as well as the Ebers Papyrus from ancient Egypt. Hippocrates referred to their use of salicylic tea to reduce fevers around 400 BC, and were part of the pharmacopoeia of Western medicine in classical antiquity and the Middle Ages. Willow bark extract became recognized for its specific effects on fever, pain and inflammation in the mid-eighteenth century. By the nineteenth century pharmacists were experimenting with and prescribing a variety of chemicals related to salicylic acid, the active component of willow extract.

In 1853, chemist Charles Frédéric Gerhardt treated sodium salicylate with acetyl chloride to produce acetylsalicylic acid for the first time; in the second half of the nineteenth century, other academic chemists established the compound’s chemical structure and devised more efficient methods of synthesis. In 1897, scientists at the drug and dye firm Bayer began investigating acetylsalicylic acid as a less-irritating replacement for standard common salicylate medicines, and identified a new way to synthesize it. By 1899, Bayer had dubbed this drug Aspirin and was selling it around the world. The word Aspirin was Bayer’s brand name, rather than the generic name of the drug; however, Bayer’s rights to the trademark were lost or sold in many countries. Aspirin’s popularity grew over the first half of the twentieth century leading to fierce competition with the proliferation of aspirin brands and products.

This one is really easy to make, take your White Willow Bark and fill a jar then cover with at least 80 proof vodka or even better, a grain alcohol, the higher the proof the better. Let sit in a dark place for at least 14 days, shaking once daily then use cheese cloth to strain the liquid out and bottle it up in a dark colored bottle, label it with the name and date and use when needed. Just a dropper full should be enough.

Keep in mind, just like modern aspirin, White Willow Tinctures can harm the liver if over used and should not be used if you already have liver issues.


A Night Time Herbal Tea

A Night Time Herbal Tea

I love tea, almost as much as I love beer. I make my own herbal blends all the time, just random stuff, you know, oooh, that smells good, would be great with this in a tea. I do have one that is pretty standard for a night time tea though but the same rule applies as to the measurements, just wing it ha ha ha.

This tea will calm and will induce dreaming in most of us as some of the ingredients can be classified as mildly hallucinogenic. The blend is equal parts Mugwort, Damiana, Hyssop, Chamomile with a sprinkling of Lavender. Fill up your tea ball and steep for at least 10 minutes (I let mine go for longer and keep the ball in while I drink it as I like my teas strong) then drink away the day and enjoy the dreamy nights.

Feverfew Blend to Ward Off Alergies

Feverfew Blend to Ward Off Alergies

One of my most important herbal remedies is my Feverfew blend. It not only keeps allergies at bay but taken daily also helps with my aching bones (Arthur and his mate Itis), keeps cholesterol down, blood pressure down, may help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease, it helps to manage depression (I need to take it more) and many other things thanks to the other herbs I add besides the Feverfew.

I make my own capsules and fill them with my mix which consists of Feverfew, Garlic, Tumeric, St. John’s Wort and Echinacea. I don’t really have measurements for this I just add what feels right but there is usually 2 parts Feverfew to 1 part everything else combined.

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