About Me
A Man on a mission to change

My name is Blake Carpenter but here I am The Conscious Pagan. Welcome to my site.
I am middle aged and tired, tired of the stagnant life I have gotten myself into. Tired of the hustle and bustle of modern society. Tired of tech (excuse the irony of using tech to make this happen), how dependent we have become on it and how miserable it is beginning to make so many. I want to take you with me on my journey away from all of that, away from the cities and out into the real world, the one that will still be here long after we humans work ourselves into extinction. For decades I have been a proponent of a cleaner planet, natural health and a freer society and now I am going to share with you everything that makes me feel better. From hikes in the woods and overnights outdoors to herbal remedies I use and the music I make you will get to know me better and, I hope, learn something about yourself too.
I am Pagan and have been since 1980, my Paganism is eclectic at best but more earth based than deity. I am of the earth and belong to the earth and my whole existence is because of the earth. Therefore, I will go back to the earth, now while I am alive and then again when I die.
I am also a singer, a songwriter, a multi-instrumentalist and a producer of music in many styles. I have been a musician since I started singing at the age of 4 and the only time I feel healthy aside from when I am out in the wilderness is when I am creating and performing music.
For more of that you can visit these other corners of my web just click one:
My Official Music Site
Originally from Rhode Island, a well rounded singer/songwriter/musician with a multitude of influences ranging from classical to metal and spanning all genres in between. His favorite styles of music are those that showcase drive and talent.
My Official Music Facebook Page
Blake started singing at the age of 4 after hearing his first KISS album at a neighbor’s house. He proceeded to sing along to almost anything he heard, Elvis, Manilow, Earth, Wind and Fire as well as KISS. He soon showed interest in the organ he had watched his mother play and started tapping out melodies and chords. At the age of 12, Blake picked up the guitar and really started to write his own songs with lyrics.
The Official Minstrel's Ghost YouTube Channel
Blake quickly began writing new material and Dream Things True was born. This is a 12 song CD written, recorded and produced by Blake under the name The Minstrel’s Ghost. Completed in 2010 it has been released by Melodic Revolution Records.
The Web Designer
In 1999 I began designing websites for local businesses just because he enjoyed creating things with html and flash. This of course aided in creating websites for all his own musical projects and over time he expanded his knowledge and was soon designing websites in .php and .ASP. But The Times They Are A-Changin‘ as Dylan said and flash has all but gone away and simple html websites with some php or ASP code are but childs play.
The future is here and WordPress is in the top drawer of the web developers tool box. With a multitude of themes and plugins and the knowledge of how to customize any WordPress application a web designer like Blake can take you to a new level of stardom in this great cyber world.
I have been developing and designing WordPress web sites since 2008 and has a great number of clients from musicians, festivals and radio stations to full online communities with member pages and more. Find out more here.